This summer, cannabis enthusiasts and music lovers alike are set to converge at Laketown Ranch for a groundbreaking event. The Bio-Cup Canada Legends Valley Music Festival will take place from August 26 to 28, promising an unforgettable blend of cannabis culture, live music, and educational opportunities.

The festival’s official website describes the event as a vibrant fusion of “live music, DJs, camping, artisans, vendors, and an international growers competition.” Despite attempts to reach representatives from Bio-Cup Canada and Laketown Ranch for further details, responses were unavailable at press time. However, an information package distributed by Rick Kendall of Bio-Cup Canada heralds the festival as a “new Cannabis Culture Festival that will capture the imagination of the nation!”

This big bash’s got a wild twist, blending two celebrations into one epic weekend. Expect live and electronic artists shaking things up, an international growers’ showdown, exhibitors and vendors galore, plus artisans flaunting their crafts. Throw in educational seminars, musical workshops, and a smorgasbord of food and drinks, and you’ve got a festival like no other.

What sets this fest apart is its tie to Zebra Verde, a non-profit linking cannabis activists worldwide. Zebra Verde’s all about spreading the gospel of cannabis use, growing, and legalizing. Since 2014, they’ve been running the Biocannabis Cup in Spain. This year, their site hints at a Bio Cup event in Vancouver from August 26 to 28. Whether this Vancouver shindig’s the same as the one at Laketown Ranch is still a mystery, adding a dash of intrigue to the whole affair.

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According to the festival’s advertising materials, the Bio-Cup Canada event at Laketown Ranch is poised to be “Canada’s largest cannabis showcase.” Highlights include an international growers competition across eight categories, with participants from countries such as Spain, Holland, Switzerland, Chile, the U.S., and Canada. The exhibit area promises large-scale displays, artisan vendors, vapor zones, and designated medicating areas. Educational seminars will provide valuable insights into the cannabis industry, making this event not only entertaining but also informative.

Lake Cowichan Mayor Ross Forrest has expressed cautious optimism about the festival. While he was initially aware of a hemp festival potentially coming to Laketown Ranch, the news of a marijuana festival took him by surprise. “I don’t know what the town’s feelings are because we haven’t had a meeting about it or anything like that — and it’s not in our jurisdiction,” he stated. “But if there’s no illegal activities taking place, I say like I say for everything, we want to be a town that’s open to everybody.”

Mayor Forrest emphasized the importance of legality and economic benefit, stating, “As long as the event organizers are not breaking any laws, I don’t see what the issue is. And there will be an economic spin-off for our community, I’m sure.”

The Bio-Cup Canada Legends Valley Music Festival is expected to draw a diverse crowd, blending the energy of a music festival with the burgeoning interest in cannabis culture. This innovative event promises to be a highlight of the summer for both the Cowichan Valley and the wider community, offering a platform for education, celebration, and cultural exchange.