In a revelation that’s likely to surprise no one but certainly entertain everyone, Snoop Dogg appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live and confirmed that his cannabis connections are not just nationwide but worldwide.
The conversation began when Jimmy Kimmel, the show’s host, brought up an incident involving comedian Mike Epps. Epps had once sought Snoop Dogg’s assistance in acquiring weed while in Iceland. Confirming the story, Snoop declared, “Well, last time I checked, I was the plug to your plug. I’m the connect. It’s good to have friends that have friends that are international and global and able to get you medicated and dedicated no matter where you at.”
Taking the conversation a step further, Kimmel tested Snoop’s global connections by reading out the names of countries he has visited. The rapper confidently affirmed having cannabis contacts in each, from Mexico to Ireland. However, he initially hesitated when North Korea was mentioned. “Oh no,” Snoop admitted, “I ain’t got nobody there.” As the conversation evolved, it became evident that Snoop had mixed up North and South Korea. Nevertheless, he conceded that he didn’t have any cannabis connections in South Korea either.
Aside from his vast cannabis network, Snoop took a trip down memory lane, reminiscing about the 30th anniversary of his groundbreaking album, Doggystyle. He also talked about his collaborative cookbook project with E-40. But the highlight of the show was the celebration of Snoop’s birthday on October 20th, humorously noted as occurring exactly six months after the cannabis celebratory date, 4/20. Embracing the festive mood, Kimmel announced the day as a new unofficial holiday, christening it “Doggfather’s Day.” The audience was then treated to some humorous (and entirely fabricated) tributes from global figures, including one from Pope Francis and a particularly entertaining one from President Joe Biden.
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The show also sheds light on an amusing anecdote involving Ed Sheeran, who recently recounted his experience getting high with Snoop Dogg in Melbourne, Australia. While Sheeran doesn’t frequently indulge in cannabis, the allure of smoking with the legendary Snoop was too tempting to resist. The British singer-songwriter hilariously narrated how he overindulged, leading him to exclaim to Snoop, “I can’t see right now!”
Lastly, in the realm of his musical endeavors, Snoop Dogg has been busy. In September, he collaborated with country music star Chris Stapleton and renowned drummer Cindy Blackman Santana to offer a fresh take on Phil Collins’ classic, “In the Air Tonight.” The rendition was specially curated for ESPN’s Monday Night Football, showcasing Snoop’s versatility and continual relevance in the music industry.
As the episode came to a close, it is evident that Snoop Dogg remains an influential figure. Snoop Dogg’s global cannabis network confession not only cements his status as a marijuana mogul but also showcases his influence extending beyond music, intertwining with cultural advocacy for cannabis legalization. While his connections may not reach the Korean Peninsula, it’s clear that Snoop’s international cannabis network is part of a larger legacy, influencing societal perspectives on marijuana and solidifying his place as the cultural icon, the “Doggfather” of cannabis.