Marijuana legalization has gained substantial favorability as more and more American voters express strong support for the move. A poll conducted by Fox News found that nearly 70% of registered voters are pro-cannabis legalization. Not limited to just one demographic, the poll shows voters across political affiliations and backgrounds are open to moving forward with legalization. The surge in support adds to discussions surrounding President Joe Biden’s recent aims to modify cannabis’ legal status on a federal level. 

The poll results reveal that Democrats are 81% in favor. Notably, Republicans, whose stance on marijuana legalization is historically more conservative, still saw 55% voting in favor. As for independents, 65% back the reform. Along with political parties, the widespread approval extends to those of varying age groups, races, income levels, and educational backgrounds. Demographics that have previously been more traditional, such as elders over 65 and white evangelicals, also garnered a majority vote in favor of legalization. 

The Fox News poll, among other polls, illustrates the growing momentum behind marijuana legalization. The consistent rise in favorable votes suggests an increasing consensus of support. With 1,126 registered voters participating in the recent Fox News survey, the poll had a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points, painting a valid picture of voter outlooks regarding the policy change. 

The Biden administration’s move to reschedule cannabis is notable and aligns with the public’s sweeping endorsement. Both the government and the nation are growing to recognize cannabis’s medical value as well as its lower abuse potential as opposed to substances like heroin. The formula rulemaking process, initiated by Attorney General Merrick Garland, was submitted to the Federal Register to commence a 60-day public comment period. The action is praised as a progressive measure toward crafting a more rational drug policy.

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Despite the administration’s cautious approach, the survey indicates that Americans desire more comprehensive reform. Rescheduling alone will not federally legalize cannabis, as the public calls for broader legislative changes. With the election approaching and marijuana legalization expected to be a point of contention, the Biden campaign has capitalized on the rescheduling announcement as a direct contrast to the Trump administration’s rollback of federal cannabis enforcement guidelines.

The results of the Fox News poll align with results from last year’s Gallup poll, also reporting that the majority of Americans are strongly in favor of legalizing marijuana. That outcome was the highest level of support recorded, reflecting a significant increase from 1969 results when just 12 percent supported the notion. That massive shift toward favorability demonstrates how dramatically public opinion has evolved over the decades. In 2013, support first crossed the 50% threshold, following Colorado and Washington becoming the very first states to legalize recreational marijuana use. Now, many states have followed suit, with support steadily climbing as a broader acceptance and normalization of cannabis use grows in society.

Marijuana legalization looks to be evolving into a more mainstream bipartisan issue as it continues to garner diverse supporters. Receiving a particularly high level of support from spirited young adults, a generational shift appears to be occurring as many states and the federal government move towards more widespread and widely accepted cannabis legalization.